First Wave of September has Arrived- Frequency Upgrade Commencing


First Wave of September has Arrived- Frequency Upgrade Commencing

By Diane Canfield

Last night around 7 pm EST my eyes started hurting with intense pain. This reminded me of the shifts that took place a few years back when I went to the eye doctor to find out what was going on with my painful eyes. Of course I was given a clean bill of health and 20/20 vision. This was a time of intense shifts and waves that I reported on day after day. The burning painful eyes are always a first sign for me of a dimensional shift that is on its way. This signifies a vision upgrade with DNA changes to be able to see in other dimensions. 

No 3D doctor is going to understand the shifts that are taking place or the symptoms that we are experiencing. This does not mean we should not see a doctor if we feel we need to. Just as I went to the eye doctor to rule out anything else that it may have been. This confirmed to me at that time it was indeed a frequency shift.

I waited last night to see what would occur. A few hours later I felt the first wave of September coming in. It again brought me back to 2011 and all the shifts we experienced and I had reported. These shifts have continued but each with a different feel.

This one was more subtle than during that time, after all we were just starting to experience these super waves and our bodies were adjusting. By now we are old pros at riding these waves. 🙂

In the past 4 years we have gone through so much and transmuted so much. The waves will feel the same yet now different since we are a NEW person each day. Each day and each shift brings transformation and new awareness levels that could not have been reached before.

Then last night I started to feel foggy headed and the familiar wave of consciousness hit my crown chakra. Then the thirst began and the sleeplessness. The dizziness, feeling off balance and issues breathing kicked in. The feeling of not being fully attached to Gaia. Time shifts suddenly kicked in.  The wave had commenced and the shift was in progress.

I started to see orbs all around me and then a Lemurian tablet appeared with ancient writings. Our Star friends are indeed online with this wave and the coming waves:)

Each WAVE that hits has specific qualities to it. Those of us that have been feeling these waves for years know what these qualities are. There are wave signatures that signal frequency shifts.

As September comes rolling in for us, we now have experienced our first UPGRADE in frequency. The first wave has commenced.

Diane Canfield

Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Ascension Expert-Alien Face to Face Contactee
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


Ascension Energy Report


By Diane Canfield

As we head into September more and more souls are waking up 🙂 Many who do not know anything about Ascension Symptoms will now be experiencing them and not understand what is happening to them. When these souls are ready, they will start to search for answers. We will be there for them when they need the answers they are searching for. Everything is in Divine timing.

All will ascend, it will take some longer than others to wake from the slumber and illusion of the 3D matrix. The amount of time it takes will depend on the programming and ability to open themselves up to ways of the unknown and unseen. This aspect is deeply ingrained in some, the blocks, walls and illusions about themselves, others and the World will all need to be broken down in order for them to start to see the TRUTH.

This is not their fault, the programming has been intense in all aspects of 3D. This is all part of the system to keep others so busy they do not have time to do the inner work required to be able to see beyond the seen world. When a person is just surviving, it leaves little time for anything else. We MUST have compassion for them going forward. Some are also very caught up in materialism, thinking this is the answer to their happiness. Many of us know it is not.

Many  of us are now awakening to all that has been hidden and deliberately changed around for others purposes.  As we awaken we may feel we have always known these Truths because we have, but we were all told something different. There was a space inside we held onto, knowing what we were hearing and being told did not align with our souls. Our souls know what the Truth is and it can not stay hidden forever. Eventually the energy of deceit comes crashing down as it is not in alignment with the higher good and the Creator.

Many know something is not working with 3D yet they do not know what that is. This is why they turn to accepted forms of escape as in alcohol to transition from feelings they do not understand   or know how to cope with. This is an accepted form of escape in the 3D world and sanctioned by the matrix. Yet this is not how to awaken either. We must purify our souls and become one with the Creator in all aspects. This means there is no escaping or hiding from our own TRUTH.

As the many awaken they then start to see the matrix and the hold it has had on them. To progress they will then want to delete this hold, knowing there is no progress in what has already been done.

To make progress we must step out of what ‘has been done’ into new areas of our life and become much more than we were before. The comfort zone holds no promise of enlightenment, nor does anything in 3D that has already been done. 3D holds many cycles that are repeated over and over again. In order to make progress we must manifest and create ways to step out of these cycles that leave us feeling empty and unfullfilled.

This is the true awakening to understand the unseen worlds are where the progress lies. We have to empower ourselves to take the steps needed to cultivate inner awareness within ourselves to be able to access these worlds. To become multidimensional we need to step out of 3D and into higher realms of awareness. 3D and higher realms do not mix. To have one we have to become less dependent on the other.

The light body development in the ascension process and awakening process  takes complete honoring of a persons system. We must be in alignment so there are no roadblocks that take place within our own consciousness. This means acceptance and receiving the gifts we are NOW given as part of the light body process.

There will be more of a gap as more awaken. This is already happening. As I go about my day and deal with the ones who have not awakened yet it is not easy, yet I have complete compassion for them knowing they do not know yet what they will know.  I plant seeds in them when I can so they can see beyond the veil and the one small thing I say may spark them to awaken from their slumber. We can all do this and know many light beings do this in their day to day life.

This week we have been experiencing more of the same symptoms and some new ones. There is not a week that goes by that we are not experiencing some symptoms which take our complete focus and attention:

Some of the symptoms we are experiencing the last week are:

  • Intense dreams
  • Achey body pains
  • Intense fatigue, sometimes can not stay awake no matter what we do
  • Wanting to be alone in cave mode to process the ongoing higher frequencies.
  • Intense body heat.
  • Leg vibrations going from the feet up into the thigh.
  • Intense hunger and thirst
  • Back pain

Many people ask me when will it stop? It is not going to stop until every person on the planet awakens and we can fully ascend into the higher dimensions of LIGHT. We are in for the duration of the process. This is what we signed up for before coming into this reality and this is the contract we need to fulfill.

Some things can make ascension symptoms easier to deal with and one of them is grounding.

Remember to ground and connect with Gaia during this time going forward, up to many times a day if needed. This shortens symptoms and lessens them and can in fact make them completely go away.

Here is the correct technique for grounding from my website and you tube channel

My next article will be about the strange other dimensional sounds heard around the world. I have experienced these sounds on more than one occasion. I will explain how I heard them and what they are 🙂

Diane Canfield

Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Ascension Expert-Alien Face to Face Contactee
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Eliot-Herman-Rainbow-and-anticrepuscular-ray-during-monsoon-sw_1440341269Weekly Energy Update 8/23/2015

This weeks energy has been unstable. By that I mean from one day to the next we could be be experiencing polar extremes. One day is blissful and the next day many are reporting upsets that turn into anger either by themselves or others. Many of these upsets would not normally turn into this extreme anger, yet the person can not help themselves from being upset. There is also a feeling of being lost and alone in the void. This is all part of the Ascension process. We need to go through each energy update and adapt to it as a unique experience unfolding for us because it is. There are no two energy waves alike as we evolve into our higher aspects of multidimensional light bodies.

This is still more clearing from the collective. As the collective awakens from their slumber, those of us that are first wavers (this means fully engaged the ascension process) in the New Earth Vibrational Realities will process and transmute the negative energy they are releasing. Liken it to realizing everything they thought was real is NOT now. The energy of illusions has its own unique energy, the energy of keeping someone blind and in the dark. This is the false energy of untruth and not in alignment with the Creator. This can wreak havoc on a beings emotion systems and well being. This is what we are called to do, this is what we are doing, release these untruths from ourselves and  others in the process of Ascension.

Hey, no one said this would be easy:) BUT this is what we signed up for and are called to do. Many may not even be aware they are cleansing and processing because some of it happens on an unconscious level of awareness. But the more we are tuned in and turned on to ENERGY the more we will FEEL what is taking place.

The symptoms this week have been :

  • Extreme tiredness
  • Lucid dreaming
  • Emotional roller coaster/rapid cycling
  • Cold chills
  • Extreme thirst or hunger
  • Emotional connections and releasing of past events

As many have talked about the light beams being seen worldwide, I was able to see two columns of light yesterday in the sky as I was driving down my street. They had clouds surrounding them but they appeared very clearly to me and then disappeared. This shows they are there now all over, yet to be able to see them can take vibrating at a high level of awareness. These light beams are the beams of the 5th dimensions and above. They are the beams of the heavenly realms that now also exist in our reality. They are the beams of the Creators Light that radiates throughout the Universe. More will be able to see these as the collective consciousness increases. The higher dimensions are full of these conscious column of light.

I have had two Star beings contacting me over the last few days. The last one gave me his name as OKTO from the constellation Revelallie, and he is part of the Interplanetary Council of Light that I am already in contact with. This includes the many different races of Star Beings that I have been visited by in person. His transmission to me that I am to pass on is to live in the NOW and do not worry or think about the future and what may or may not happen. He told me to let the collective know that things are all as they should be and many races are helping us with our Ascension. The dark is becoming weaker on the planet as we grow stronger. We must continue to raise our frequency and help others to do the same. The time of service to others is still here and will now never leave us. This is the time of compassion for others, this is how the highly evolved beings in the Cosmos operate. They care deeply for us and for all others. Do not focus on the dark aspects of the 3D reality as this gives more energy to the Dark, stay in the light exclusively NOW.

As we move into September and all the predictions that have taken place, many are asking me about these. I like to completely live in the NOW. This means it does not affect me no matter what predictions are made. I feel energy changes/waves each day so to focus on energy in the future seems counter productive for me and this is what I advise everyone to focus on. Put your attention on each day and what the energy is doing that day. Make the adaptions and connections that will be useful with the current energy that day and deal with each day this way. The future is never set in stone. Each reality changes according to the choices we make and the collective makes. We can ascend into the higher frequencies everyday, there is no need to wait for anything in the future.

We are NOW in the middle of the Ascension process. Yes it is happening now. To be in the moment of NOW fully means to tune into energy each day and create the reality of the future in the present moment. As ascended light beings we do not wait for a future event but instead manifest today what we desire in our future timeline.

As I go out in 3D I notice the changes that are occurring, even in my small neighborhood. I hear of others having ascension symptoms, yet they are unaware this is what they are. I find it exciting to see so many now joining us in this process.

As we move further along, new gifts open up to us. The gift of Heart Based compassion, manifestation, telepathy, psychic abilities, teleportation and bilocation.

My cat bilocated right in front of me a few years ago, she was ahead of her time 🙂 I have bilocated  and seen this take place in my house as well as the others who live in my house. They will see me in a room walking through and I am outside and not in the house at all.

We must ease into these gifts slowly and accept all that it entails. There is no fear about any of these gifts nor evolving out of the strictly human state and becoming 5th dimensional and multidimensional light beings of the Cosmic Planetary Universe.We have reached the cusp of a new awakening.

This is a thrilling time for each of us, each and every day. Gratitude for all who contribute to this time and the Star Beings of many different races that are helping us to achieve this great Shift of transformation.

I love you all! 🙂

Diane Canfield
Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Ascension Expert-Alien Face to Face Contactee
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.





Good Day Beloved Star Tribe,

As I was laying down to sleep I received this message from the Council of Light. This council includes all the Star Being races that have visited me face to face and I am told by them many other races.  The transmission came in just as I was leaving my computer to go to sleep, so I wrote some of it down thinking that was all. Then I got into bed pulled the covers up and there were more words streaming in. This is how it happens many times, I do not choose when the messages come in, THEY choose. What does it feel like to get messages from Star Beings? There is an electrical charge with it and an urgency. My head tingles and it feels as if I am being downloaded with information.  I have been given many messages in the past but some came in too fast for me to write down.  It feels nothing like messages from loved ones who have passed on that I tune into for my mediumship readings. This energy is completely different and other worldly. It is highly charged and electrical. I again asked recently for some messages that were slower so I could write the message as they gave it to me in real time.

Here is the message:


“If we were to tell you the real reason you are here, you might think it is too fantastic . It has to do with the crystalline core of humans and the matching crystal core of the earth. They vibrate at the same frequency creating a super whirlwind effect in the Universe like a radar pulse that changes everything in the cosmos.”

“You are more than just a species that is part animal (as you may think).
,,, you are no animal at all but a combination of many different races of Star Beings. Your DNA was all mixed together and this is how you were designed. You came with such amazing emotions and insights. We are watching YOU as you  come out of your cocoon. We are helping you along in more ways than you can understand, but there will come a time you will understand. We love you!”

Diane Canfield
Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium , Ascension Expert, Alien Face to Face Contactee
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.



Good Day Beloveds,

The Lions Gate is upon us and what does this mean? What is the current energy coming in and what does this gate represent?

We have been struggling this past week with ascension symptoms of nausea, disorientation, off balance, blurry vision, intense dreams in astral and more. Part of this is the Lions gate energy mixed with a huge cleansing wave. This cleansing wave prepares us to accept the download of the Lions gate energies.

Today the energy is much smoother, which always happens after an extreme cleansing wave comes in. This smooth waves opens the gate even wider for the LION/LIONESS energies today and tomorrow.

There is an energy coming in for the Lions gate but it is not an Ascension Wave per se. It is instead a download of information streaming into our consciousness for change. It is very subtle and undercurrent of the current paradigm and how this is not working. As this paradigm of the partriarcial 3D goes away, what takes it place? This is what we are preparing for through this gate and beyond.

The Divine Feminine now steps up to take over some of these roles of love and compassion unlike anything ever seen before on this planet. This makes sense because these energies are not of this planet, they are streaming into us from the higher dimensions of  5D and above. This not only includes women but all of the human species and the Divine Feminine aspect of themselves.

Imagine how powerful love can be when fully functional in the Lion human. This is a thing of pure beauty and bliss to behold. The Lioness serves this aspect as she is the one bringing the change in.

The patriarchail system has held back the Divine feminine in both genders, this is the goal of this system. It leaves both genders feeling unfullfilled and wondering what has gone wrong many times in regards to relationships. The females have been stripped of their complete Divine aspect until recently when these surges have started to become stronger. This is all part of the Ascension process, to right what has been off balance and out of alignment. This not only affects every person but all of society. Ascension leaves no stone untuned.

How will you feel this manifesting? Through compassion and love. The door to compassion has swung fully open and love is the theme of the day every day. You may feel this before the Lions gate and for time to come after it has passed. This will now be the default way of being.

The manifestation of the Divine feminine includes all women tapping into their complete feminine aspect, unrestrained or altered. This in itself is very powerful. This is why it was suppressed because this power is feared.  Now this needs to break through into the collective consciousness. We need to completely merge with this aspect that has been hidden for so long. We need not hide in the shadows any longer but make ourselves known and stand for what is love and nothing else. This is how it feels when the Divine feminine is activated in each one of us. We are drawn to merge with this powerful yet completely loving and compassionate energy unlike anything we have ever felt before.

Everyone will now feel this  new energy coming in. The Divine masculine aspect may have some confusion with it and may feel overwhelmed with feelings of love, gratititude and compassion. These aspects have been so supressed also in the Divine male. It is now time to let go of any outdated 3D aspects that do not work and never have. It is now time to let the power aspects go and concentrate on becoming one with the Universe. It is now time to hear her call.  It is now time to be protective of the Divine Feminine in everyone for she is Creation itself.

All of Creation must be protected, it is vital now to go into protective mode. The energy of the gate calls for this new paradigm and we hear the ROAR.

I love you all 🙂

Diane Canfield
Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium , Ascension Expert, Alien Face to Face Contactee
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

1000Energy update 8/5/15♥
The energy has been very dense for the last few days. I have been nauseated and dizzy starting a few nights ago in the early evening. We are really traversing some thick energy now as we make our way out of the dark and more and more INTO the light. Headaches abound right now.  You may have been feeling pains all around the head areas. You may feel disoriented and off balance. You may be craving sweets, chocolate in particular. Extreme fatigue and sleeping many hours is also occurring. Intense dreams working out solutions to things occurring in the 3D reality. Blurry vision and eyes hurting still continues as the DNA in our eyes upgrade to see more dimensions. 🙂

This has nothing to do with any planetary alignments, it has everything to do with the Ascension process. The shift in progress.

How do you know you are participating in the Ascension process? You feel the symptoms, you feel the energy changes, you feel the waves as they come in, this is the indicator you have done a significant amount of upgrades to yourself to be able to FEEL the shift as it takes place.:)

The shift is all about FEELINGS ( taboo for 3D)  and leaving the Matrix behind. It is about connecting to our higher selves on every level of awareness. It requires our full participation. It deserves no less:) We must actively make the choice to participate with our intention. Our Soul must be involved. Not only do we feel every energy change and wave but we also feel the bliss that comes after an intense bout of cleansing.

As forerunners in the Ascension process, path makers, leaders, we are cleansing much dark energy from the collective, thousands of years worth. This takes time and it does not happen overnight.

Thank you to all of you who have been through this intense time with me for the past 4 years, there is still so much more to come. We are on this journey together until we reach the complete paradise of the higher realms in our awareness.

Many clients and readers ask me when will we reach our destination and when will this be over. The main part of the cleansing will be over when we reach the tipping point and more and more beings become involved in the cleaning process. This is happening now, more and more are coming into the Ascension alignment process. This is a process that takes time. The Universe does not do anything quickly. We must attune our bodies to the new energy that comes in and this has to be a slow process.

We have come so far, everyday is a new day with new challenges to face in Ascension and we are doing it together. I love you all:)

Diane Canfield
Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium , Ascension Expert, Alien Face to Face Contactee
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


Short Energy Update:

Energy Update: 7/26/15

The last few days energy has been very sluggish along with sleep issues. I did not get much sleep the last  few nights and was doing intense work in the astral realm to clean the drudge from this reality. This is what many of us are doing at this time when we are in the astral realm. This accounts for the sluggish feeling during the day and no energy. We are literally dragging the 3D reality to merge with the 5D reality. This can be seen in many things happening now around the world, with the upgrading energies hitting everyone. With these energies also comes the split of those choosing not to accept the Ascension process. We are witnessing two opposites in action.


As we move into NO time, the time slips now happen more frequently. We can not remember when something happened. These time slips started in 2012 ( I have been reporting all the waves and upgrades since 2011) These happen when we are maneuvering in more than one reality at once. Time becomes unstable and not like the linear 3D sense of time we are used to. We experience issues remembering when something took place. This can cause problems for those that take medications as well as other time sensitive needs.  They many not remember if their medications were taken or not. More record keeping is now needed in this area and other areas to be able to keep track of what is happening and when it happened.

Perceptional Issues

I was in my laundry room  last week and happen to glance at my feet as I was putting my clothes in the washing machine. I was, for a brief moment, very uncomfortable because it seemed like I was not supposed to have feet that looked like mine. This may sound very odd to those not on the Ascension path yet, but for those that are, we know perceptional shifts in time and space abound including body morphing as we attune more and more into our light bodies. This perception did not last long, just a few seconds but I feel it is worth noting for those feeling the shift and wondering about their own perceptions that are lining up higher dimensional paradigms.

Some of you may remember my experience with enlarged hands in 2013. At that time I had just awoken from a deep sleep and  went to the kitchen to wash my hands. I looked at my hands while washing them and they enlarged to about 5 times the size of my normal hands. When this happened I also felt completely out of my body. This again is a perception issue. The happens when we are viewing our own body from the perception of our light body. This too lasted only a short time but enough to get my attention which is what the higher realms need to happen so I can pass the messages on to others. We are NOW able to view many realities from the perception of our light body.

Advice for shifters

As you go about your business in 3D try to become super aware and walk both realities at once. Know you are in 3D but you are also traversing higher realms of consciousness at the same time. Take some time and tune into the larger, higher frequencies of light.  Work on becoming hyper aware of your surroundings and the meaning behind all the small things that come your way. This is the way we become more and more accustomed to the higher realms, by actively inviting them in to our reality.

Work to raise your frequency around others and maintain it. Do not lower your vibration in words or actions when around others who have not engaged with the Ascension process yet. Maintain your higher frequency to bring others into your reality, do not let others bring you into the reality of 3D.

I love you 🙂
Diane Canfield
Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium , Ascension Expert, Alien Face to Face Contactee
Copyright notice@Diane Canfield please include complete article when sharing, do not alter.
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


Good Day Beloveds,

As we continue in the Ascension process, the shift needs more and more clarification on what it is and what it is not. As the shift evolves, so are we. This is a double sided coin meaning who we were last week is not who we are today. Yes, it is happening that fast 🙂

The shift we are experiencing is an evolution of consciousness and merging with the higher self. This means we are entering into expanding perceptions of realities we did not have access to before. The more we merge with our higher self, the more we have access to the Creator and all the knowledge contained there in. This was not possible before, now it is being done en masse.


There will be symptoms of the shift right up until we reach the crescendo peak of our Ascension. This only makes sense, we can not have changes and upgrades without symptoms. Symptoms are our sign that we are actively engaged. We are receiving the upgrades that are being sent to us from so many sources.

What about the people who do not have symptoms? This is a question I get asked all the time.

The ones not having symptoms are either having them and do not know it, attributing them to health conditions or they have not raised their vibration high enough to be able to feel them yet. They are not yet aware enough to feel the symptoms. This is what it is all about, actively engaging, receiving and not letting the ego get in the way.

Tips for Raising Your Vibration

  • Think positively at all times no matter what is going on around you
  • Do not let other realities affect you
  • Do not engage in arguments
  • Do not stay angry at a situation for more than a very short time.
  • Learn to limit angry feelings and convert them to positive feelings
  • Distance yourself from negative others or others who are not willing to open up to spirituality
  • Do not engage in gossip, jokes at others expense, teasing others, making fun of others
  • Do not watch horror or violent movies or play video games of this same nature
  • Spend time with others who are spiritually awakened
  • Try to limit time in 3D since the shift and all things psychic are not compatible with it

Make an effort each day to work on your vibration to raise it by praying, meditating, grounding and be around liked minded others

Make spiritual progress by taking classes, seminars or whatever your budget will allow, even reading spiritual books in order to make progress

Fix any uncomfortable situations with others immediately, do not let any negative energy in.

Do not jump to conclusions about others, wait and see what the situation is


We are the Light bearers and Light keepers of the Ascension Flame 

The shift is ongoing and wie will be involved in it until we reach the peak/tipping point and there are enough people on board to make a difference. This is why we are all here to be able to let others know what the shift is and why it is happening to us now. As we evolve, others will have an easier time evolving as we have paved the way, we are the light bearers and light keepers of the Ascension flame.

We have reached a stage in our evolution where we are ready to make a conscious shift to the next dimension of consciousness. Some of us are already there and have attained this frequency for some time. Some of the signs that you  may have reached 5D consciousness.

5D Consciousness 

  • You see things at a higher level of understanding and 3D no longer makes sense to you
  • You do not want to be a part of the 3D system anymore
  • You disagree with almost everything in 3D and how it is done
  • You see better and more compassionate ways of doing everything
  • You have overwhelming compassion for everyone, even those not awakened yet
  • You are not under any illusions about yourself or others.
  • You have done the inner work on yourself and confronted  the dark sides of yourself
  • You welcome the truth, even though it may be painful, you understand through pain comes evolvement
  • You do not want to engage in arguments or disagreements
  • You spend time each day in nature
  • You have spiritual basics and a foundation you engage in daily
  • You do not follow the crowd but decide for yourself who is of truth and who is not
  • You do not want to engage in any political he said, she said drama
  • You actively work on your spiritual life each day and this is your top priority

Advanced signs of 5D consciousness

  • Psychic abilities appear consistently
  • Seeing beings from other dimensions
  • Faced all fears
  • Completed all major inner work on oneself
  • Service to others take priority


As the shift increases we have more knowledge of things we did not understand before. We can look into our past and now understand why we made the choices we did. We see things from a higher perspective of compassion for ourselves and others.

Many ask me when will the shift be over. No one has this answer. We are all engaging in the best way we can and dealing with the waves and upgrades as they come in. We accept them with no resistance knowing this is our calling and what we came here to do.

Thank you to everyone who has been actively involved in the shift, with all the waves and upgrades we have been through together. We will complete the journey together.

I love you !

Diane Canfield

Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium , Ascension Expert, Alien Contactee

Copyright notice@Diane Canfield please include complete article when sharing, do not alter.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

PicMonkey Collagepleiadians12

Good Day Beloveds,

As many of you know I held a Pleiadian Solstice Event on June 21st which brought in activations and light codes from the Pleiadians to all that joined. This included a GUIDED meditation specifically created by me, encoded with light codes and designed so all good meet their Pleiadian family and Star Beings. The Pleiadians work through me and with me to activate others so that they too can meet them and open the door to actually ‘seeing them in person’ as I do. I also meditated during my event and connected with all the attendees to bring the light codes and activations to them.

The Event was a smashing success with all beings activated and light codes for Ascension being activated in everyone through their Divine Heart Center. Many also saw their Pleiadian families through this experience.

I wanted to share with everyone my own experiences and some of the others experiences on that day in my Event as they were given to me. I have deliberately left the names out to protect the privacy of all attendees. Each paragraph is each person’s experience of the Event. I have selected these experiences to include in the article as they give a rounded view of experiences.


  • Thank you for yesterday! The energies have been so powerful and that meditation took me into a really deep theta state. Lately a lot of my meditations have been deep. I met my star family in the meadow and there were a LOT of them! I’m open and looking forward to what occurs next.
  • Just wanted to give you feedback on the Pleadian solstice Event meditation. 😇I’ve actually listened to it several times.  I was shown tall trees with green leaves and orange & yellow hues in the sky.
    I was also shown clean soil on the ground & a gold-colored key hole & felt a ball of energy hovering over my heart chakra. I felt so loved! The ball was rotating clockwise very slowly. I also felt waves of energy over my heart chakra as well. The feeling was very beautiful. I felt energy and pressure in the back of my head. Felt like I was being massaged.
    I listened to it a second time on Sunday night before going to bed, but fell asleep. So I don’t remember anything, ugh. But last night, I did listen to it a 3rd time and remember being inside a spaceship with a tall being who appeared to me as a Caucasian man with short blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a blue tight-skinned suit. I guess you would say it looked like a body suit. He was very tall  He was making some sort of hand gesture
  • I was a part of your meditation on Sunday . It was beautiful and thank you. When the meditation was done I took my ears phones out and went to get up. I couldn’t! I figured I would lay a little longer. I went into sleep state and had conversations with three people and had skittles ( the candy ) they gave me all purple and one yellow . I woke up looked around my room still unable to move. I closed my eyes and saw a man with dark brown / black wavy hair and brown eyes. He left my third eye and a vibration began in my head. Then a sensation started in the back of my head. Then it felt like some kind of laser ran through the back of my head then to the top then over and over my eyes. I thought to bad my kids or husband could witness this . I could here them in the house . So it just ended and I got up without a problem . It was 4:30 I stared the meditation at 2:30. Not the first time something has happened like this it’s just been awhile. Thanks again
  • Hello Diane During the meditation I felt tingle feelings on top of my head also I felt like I was being lifted off of my bed. It was real cool but did not see any beings. In the past I have seen ufos, hat man; shadow people and recently it look like a fire being . I also can hear but my abilities are not that good now. I want to thank you for the experience. God bless .
  •  Hello Diane I woke up this morning feeling that I have been born again . I feel like time went back 20 years I feel energetic and yputhful. I thought I give you update  God bless.
  •  I had sensations of energy coming down through crown chakra. Felt like the hara line was being purged and cleansed. I fell asleep about every time about half way through. I remember bits and pieces, of meeting a group of light beings in a crystal room and around crystal table. Seeing purple violet flame light being zapped at my third and fourth chakras. Felt such a feeling of comfort and peace. And we were telepathically communicating. The beings seemed to look like large blue and purple orbs, then morphed into physical form. Very sparkly auras and beautiful compassionate eyes. I can’t remember all that was said, had q sense they were figuring out about me, lol.
  • Hi Diane – thank you for the meditation. The first time I listened to it I became very emotional – I had tears running down my neck – I felt very peaceful for part of the day but my job took that feeling away about half way through the day. I listened to it after work again – even though I had my eyes closed, I had a flash of yellow come and go and I thought I saw a few beings with the eyes of a gray – I now feel peaceful again
  •  Hi Diane, after the meditation I got up and felt very dizzy, vertigo maybe, and still feel like something is circling around me, or like my body is slightly swirling like a tornado, is this something you have ever experienced?
  • Hi, just a quick note on my experience: I saw several beings holding round objects some white, some black and they held it up for me to see the gifts I sent them my love and thanked them and one being sprinkled me with gold dust from a wand swirling it around my head. They put a big star that had many facets and colors into my forehead- 3rd eye, and also some stars into my palms. Into my left ear they put something deep into the canal…not sure what it was. Some of the beings had Egyptian bird head, some had grey heads. They handed me a baby wrapped in a receiving blanket, I was not told what to do with it. Something’s also went into the back of my head. Thank you so much for the experience, I am excited to join the pleadians again for more visits and teachings.
  • Thank you so much for an amazing experience. I did the meditation while submerged in a tub of warm water. Seeing myself surrounded by my family brought me to tears- I felt and briefly saw 7 beings. When I received the gift I felt a tightening in my chest and then a release- at the point of activation I felt such a sensation!( do you remember the candy poprocks? I felt like I had poprocks going off in my heart!) it was beautiful. I plan to do the meditation again as I go to sleep in hopes that they will visit in my dreams. Thank you so very much.
  • Hi Diane. After the meditation I do notice my actual vision is more crisp and my sense of smell and hearing are better. Something is telling me to do the meditation again after dark.
  •  At the start I saw something that looked like a necklace kind of, there were 3 jewels on it, but the color was like nothing I had seen before. It was  a blue from another world. I saw a person with really blonde hair,  it was bright, I’m not sure how to describe it but it definitely isn’t the normal blonde. I sensed a strong masculine energy and a strong feminine one too i saw them briefly as well, coming in and out.


My own experience during my meditation was I was greeted by a female Pleiadian  Aktura whose likeness is in the picture with this article. She has visited me this year and was my last visitor from my Star family. I have been visited by many races of Star beings and these visits are ongoing. I  have discussed her visit in other articles.

She stayed with me during the entire meditation and send the codes and activations through me. She lovingly told me that these activations are with the participants for life and now the connection is made between the Pleiadians and the attendees. This will make communication with the Pleiadian Star Race  much easier in the coming months if they choose to open communication with them.

I was then taken into a deep meditation and completely left my body. I may have been gone for hours since I did not check the clock. I was taken to the Pleiadian World which was a yellowish color. The atmosphere is not clear like it is here on beautiful Earth. It is yellowish and a stunning hue of love and tranquility.

I was then shown a beautiful yellow tree, unlike any tree I have seen before. I was shown this so I would know their world a little bit better and to confirm my visit to their world.

As you can see from these experiences there are many similarities and many picked up the yellow and blue color of the Pleiadians. They are connected to Atlantis and these are the colors of the high priests and priestess’s wore. This is why it is thrilling to see the connection that took place in the meditation for so many of the participants. Many made connections to the Pleiadians and saw them or glimpses of them 🙂

I am thrilled with the experiences of my attendees and will have more events in the future. I plan to have one event per month due to the demand from the people attending and others that did not make the cut off for this event.

I love you all 🙂

Diane Canfield

Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium , Ascension Expert,  Alien Contactee

Copyright notice@Diane Canfield please include complete article when sharing, do not alter and follow or friend me on facebook




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This article must be shared in whole and intact with the authors name and website.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

diane new todayzzz

Hello all Star Tribe Members,

This past week we have experienced a HUGE PORTAL opening and right on time in our journey into Ascension and 5D.

This portal is that of the quickening of Manifestation capabilities. I had a message to watch for some downloads to occur at the end of the last week. I then had some downloads and waves from the higher dimension come into my light body.

Last week we received many new waves of light and releasing waves of any dark energy still left on the planet. There were days that functioning at all was very difficult to to all the releasing and transmuting we did.

I received a VISION of me along with many light beings on a ledge (picture a short ledge with a drop off below it) and then suddenly we bounced and bounded far into the sky at the pace of a rocket. This was the vision of our Ascension now speeding up and our abilities for all things accelerating.

I regularly get answers from the Universe and they are all very timely as to what is going on in that moment in our Ascension process. My answers can come in many forms but many times they come to me in visions.  As a clairvoyant this is the method of delivery.

What does this mean for all of us?  It means we are now shooting for the stars and heading straight up to the dimension of 5D. This also means everyone’s abilities will also go skyrocketing and that is something I want to get more detail into. As we move up in the dimensional planes we also gain more and more abilities of the Creator.

There is a lot of speculation about pole shifts, both magnetic and physical and the many Earth changes we are now going through. ALL, and I do mean ALL of these changes are to wake the masses up. Many are awakening but I see many are still very much entrenched in 3D. Remember there are many levels to awakening. There are levels in consciousness in every level you could dream of. We must work diligently to wake ourselves up to the next level and to reach out in whatever way we can to wake up others. Waking up means coming out of the 3D illusion and all that it entails.

What level a person has reached depends on many, many factors. These factors include:

  • How much inner work a person has done on themselves
  • How much they still enjoy the 3D world ( this means all the trappings of 3d that do not create progress)
  • How committed they are to making inner progress
  • How much self development they have done
  • How much psychic and spiritual development they have done
  • How much work they have done to come out of illusion and out of the matrix
  • How many real experiences of other dimensions have they had and or beings from other dimensions

You can see just from this short list there are all kinds of levels that exist in humanity going all the way from someone who has never heard of spirituality to someone who devotes their entire being to it and of course lives and loves in TRUTH.

You see as a psychic and an experiencer of many dimensions and beings from other dimensions and worlds,  many ask me in my private readings and on my page about things that are happening in the world. Many clients and others are concerned about Earth changes and other things can could be deemed negative.


This is the portal that just opened and is now available to everyone in the planet. We can manifest the exact opposite reality that we actually see headed our way if we do not want to experience that one.

How do we do this? With our intention and with the help of our Creator. Nothing is manifested without a strong bond with the Divine Source Energy. The Divine Source is neither man nor woman, it is an energy that is a powerful loving Creator. This source loves everyone and is LOVE. This energy is Love, Light and Truth.

We must become one with this energy and this is done by standing completely in our TRUTH AND THE TRUTH of the Creator. This is how we are ONE.

When enough people awaken what happens?

We become ONE with creation. When we become one with Creation what happens? We can then become Creator Sources ourselves.

This is what is happening now to everyone, yet they will need to awaken to this gift, accept it and then start putting it into the World.

Remember, there is NO reality set in stone. This is why we must never lower our vibration to any vibration of any fear based ideas that could come into our subconscious mind. We are learning to manifest and become creators of magnificent power.

We  learn how to FLIP our reality around to create what we want to experience. We are powerful beings of LIGHT and LOVE directly from the Divine Source of the Creator. We have the power to turn any situation into a positive one for us all ALL of humanity.

This is why we are here, we are learning how to manifest the reality we want.


Exercise to connect and merge with the Creator:

Go into meditation and ask the Creator to connect with you. Ask the creator to show you the Divine light inside you and to come into your being. Ask the Creator to guide and help you in all things. To give you the ultimate wisdom of the creator and to show you things you have thought are not possible for you to experience.

Quick exercise to create and manifest what you desire:

When you hear something fear based, as fast as you can immediately flip it into the opposite reality in your consciousness that you want to experience. Do not let others determine your reality. Create the reality you want by only focusing on what you wish to create and nothing else.

I love you all.

Diane Canfield
Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium , Ascension Expert,  Alien Contactee

Copyright notice@Diane Canfield please include complete article when sharing, do not alter and follow or friend me on facebook

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This article must be shared in whole and intact with the authors name and website.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.