DigitalscottfaconHazyMorning1Hello all Star Tribe Members,

This past week we have experienced a HUGE PORTAL opening and right on time in our journey into Ascension and 5D.

This portal is that of the quickening of Manifestation capabilities. I had a message to watch for some downloads to occur at the end of the last week. I then had some downloads and waves from the higher dimension come into my light body.

Last week we received many new waves of light and releasing waves of any dark energy still left on the planet. There were days that functioning at all was very difficult to to all the releasing and transmuting we did.

I received a VISION of me along with many light beings on a ledge (picture a short ledge with a drop off below it) and then suddenly we bounced and bounded far into the sky at the pace of a rocket. This was the vision of our Ascension now speeding up and our abilities for all things accelerating.

I regularly get answers from the Universe and they are all very timely as to what is going on in that moment in our Ascension process. My answers can come in many forms but many times they come to me in visions.  As a clairvoyant this is the method of delivery.

What does this mean for all of us?  It means we are now shooting for the stars and heading straight up to the dimension of 5D. This also means everyone’s abilities will also go skyrocketing and that is something I want to get more detail into. As we move up in the dimensional planes we also gain more and more abilities of the Creator.

There is a lot of speculation about pole shifts, both magnetic and physical and the many Earth changes we are now going through. ALL, and I do mean ALL of these changes are to wake the masses up. Many are awakening but I see many are still very much entrenched in 3D. Remember there are many levels to awakening. There are levels in consciousness in every level you could dream of. We must work diligently to wake ourselves up to the next level and to reach out in whatever way we can to wake up others. Waking up means coming out of the 3D illusion and all that it entails.

What level a person has reached depends on many, many factors. These factors include:

  • How much inner work a person has done on themselves
  • How much they still enjoy the 3D world ( this means all the trappings of 3d that do not create progress)
  • How committed they are to making inner progress
  • How much self development they have done
  • How much psychic and spiritual development they have done
  • How much work they have done to come out of illusion and out of the matrix
  • How many real experiences of other dimensions have they had and or beings from other dimensions

You can see just from this short list there are all kinds of levels that exist in humanity going all the way from someone who has never heard of spirituality to someone who devotes their entire being to it and of course lives and loves in TRUTH.

You see as a psychic and an experiencer of many dimensions and beings from other dimensions and worlds,  many ask me in my private readings and on my page about things that are happening in the world. Many clients and others are concerned about Earth changes and other things can could be deemed negative.


This is the portal that just opened and is now available to everyone in the planet. We can manifest the exact opposite reality that we actually see headed our way if we do not want to experience that one.

How do we do this? With our intention and with the help of our Creator. Nothing is manifested without a strong bond with the Divine Source Energy. The Divine Source is neither man nor woman, it is an energy that is a powerful loving Creator. This source loves everyone and is LOVE. This energy is Love, Light and Truth.

We must become one with this energy and this is done by standing completely in our TRUTH AND THE TRUTH of the Creator. This is how we are ONE.

When enough people awaken what happens?

We become ONE with creation. When we become one with Creation what happens? We can then become Creator Sources ourselves.

This is what is happening now to everyone, yet they will need to awaken to this gift, accept it and then start putting it into the World.

Remember, there is NO reality set in stone. This is why we must never lower our vibration to any vibration of any fear based ideas that could come into our subconscious mind. We are learning to manifest and become creators of magnificent power.

We  learn how to FLIP our reality around to create what we want to experience. We are powerful beings of LIGHT and LOVE directly from the Divine Source of the Creator. We have the power to turn any situation into a positive one for us all ALL of humanity.

This is why we are here, we are learning how to manifest the reality we want.


Exercise to connect and merge with the Creator:

Go into meditation and ask the Creator to connect with you. Ask the creator to show you the Divine light inside you and to come into your being. Ask the Creator to guide and help you in all things. To give you the ultimate wisdom of the creator and to show you things you have thought are not possible for you to experience.

Quick exercise to create and manifest what you desire:

When you hear something fear based, as fast as you can immediately flip it into the opposite reality in your consciousness that you want to experience. Do not let others determine your reality. Create the reality you want by only focusing on what you wish to create and nothing else.

I love you all.

Diane Canfield
Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium , Ascension Expert,  Alien Contactee

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


zohanispirit1Energy Update 5-20-2015. The Year of Acceleration into Ascension

This has been the year of Acceleration of the Shift.

Specifically the past few weeks have been filled with more releasing. What does it mean to release? It means that situations from our pasts will be presented to us, very often through others, as a way to direct us, to look at our past in a different way. This will take place as we move up in dimensions of consciousness so we can see what has taken place in our lives from new and different perspectives than what we had access to in the past. How is this possible? Well, we can only come to terms with what our level of consciousness is at the moment that the incidents and experiences happen for us. In other words, we can only process our experiences with that level of consciousness. BUT when we move up in frequency we can then process the exact same experience with a whole new level of consciousness because we have moved into a higher dimensional plane where we have more access to the TRUTH of situations and what they really represented to us and why we had to go through these experiences. This is a real biggie and very important because in essence in many ways this is what the Ascension process is all about.

As we release more feelings that we may have harbored for the past years about a situation that we now are able to see in a brand new light, we may have periods of crying which goes along with releasing. I can not stress the importance of crying for EVERYONE. We cry to release. So the Divine Male needs to also be able to cry and let go of the past hurts, misunderstandings, and pain. To the Divine Feminine, please be supportive of men who are hurting and crying to release pain now. This is part of what needs to happen on our beautiful Earth, every species needs to cry, release and let go of what no longer serves them. Just as the Divine Feminine has been suppressed for ages, the Divine Male has also been suppressed in ways as in feelings a wide range of emotions and freely being able to express them to other males and women.

We are going through an intense period now of introspection, releasing, processing and FEELING everything that is coming through. This can make some want to go into cave mode to process these feelings. We need to let others have as much alone time as they need. We are moving into interdependence and out of co-dependent behaviors and attitudes towards others. This is where self love comes in to play such a major role now in the process. We can not be co-dependent and be self loving, these two are opposites of the spectrum. We must love and accept ourselves fully, be happy with who we are, how we treat others and our relationship with ourselves first and foremost.

Our dream states have been intense and we now find many answers to our dreams as we move higher in frequency. Do not ever discount the importance of dreams, many answers are found there. Dreams work symbolically. You will not find the answer to your dreams in a dream book. Each person is unique and the answers given to them do not fit someone else. Each person has the capability to find the answers to their own dreams and what these answers mean to them specifically. Right now the time is right to call out to the higher realms before bed and ask for answers to whatever your question may be. Pay attention and your answers will be given to you.

Creativity is now coming to the forefront for many people that may have put their creative efforts on the back burner. Why is it happening now? Because as we move frequencies we become closer to the CREATOR and we take on more and more of these Divine Traits. Have you noticed an urge to create music, sing, or take up a creative project recently? If you have you are one of the many being called right now to merge closer with our Creator.

You may feel out of your body at times. This happened to me a few days ago. I was sitting talking with a friend and all of the sudden I felt as if I no longer needed to breathe and I was just about to float out of my body. This happens because as we move up in frequency our bodies are changing in DNA composition to more of a light body that is needed in the upper dimensions. Yes, we take our body with us in Ascension, it just changes structure. We have been in this process intensely for the past 4 years and each year provides us with a higher acceleration point and focus.

Your life may be going through many intense changes and this is all part of the process. As we find more and more of ourselves, we no longer want what we had before. Many find this no longer works for them as it did in the past. The opportunities are now endless as to what we can create for ourselves. Manifestation becomes much easier the higher we climb.

As we release we will have moments of BLISS that follow. The bliss is that of the 5th Dimension and above going all the way to the 12th. This blissful feeling will feel like nothing we have felt in 3D. It feels as if everything is perfect and right with the World. You may feel a powerful connection with the Divine Creator at this time. As a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium I love these times because even though I am always ‘connected’ to Source, during these times I am super connected to All That Is and everything living thing in the Universe.

You may see increased activity of Spirits, Star Family, and other dimension beings during these times of waves and shifts. This is because (as I have talked about many times before) Psychic abilities, Ascension and Star family are all related. As we raise our frequency we are then able to see all kinds of beings from other dimensions. It is no longer a world where only the psychics like me are able to see and travel consciously between dimensions.

The Ascension process in available for Everyone at this time, all we need to do is to participate and learn about the process and then engage in the process itself. For those of us leading the way in the Ascension process, we are pulling up all the others that can not engage in it, for whatever reason. We are happy and grateful to be able to do this Service to Others.

Diane Canfield
Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium , Ascension Expert,  Star Being in Person Contactee

Copyright notice @ Diane Canfield please include complete article when sharing and follow or friend me on facebook


What happens in a World that is out of balance? Things degenerate to more and more off balance without people understanding what is happening around them. This is the same with our own personal lives, they too must be in balance.♥Why has the world been out of balance?

The Divine feminine aspect in everyone has been suppressed and held back. Why you may ask did this happen? Out of fear of the Feminine power that all women know exists inside of them. ♥

Males were forced to not acknowledge their own feminine side from peer pressure and to be able to ‘fit in’. This is why we are experiencing all the crisis that is taking place today. A world out of balance. The world would not be anything like it is today if this aspect was not suppressed.

Everything in the Universe works in harmony and balance and when one aspect is out of balance, everything becomes out of balance until balance is achieved again.♥

We are now finally in the process of achieving this balance through the awakening process that everyone is going through. ♥  The women are leading the way through this process and will emerge as the Spiritual leaders of the New World. It has to be this way until the Divine Feminine aspect in all beings is honored and respected. ♥

Diane Canfield
Spiritual Teacher, Psychic and Medium , Ascension Expert,  Star Being in Person Contactee

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


What is Spiritual Awakening into levels of higher awareness and Light? We are all awakening to this now.:) It is a life long journey of awakening to ourselves and the reality we are in. It is discarding all the illusions we have about ourselves and others.

It is awakening to the TRUTH.  It does not matter how painful the truth may be, we know through pain comes enlightenment.

We no longer seek to fulfill ourselves with addictions or by becoming unconscious through any means. We no longer search to deaden the pain of our past by using anything or others, but to confront our pain and work through it to peace, joy and happiness.

We are hyper aware of our inner workings. The agendas of ourselves and others become obvious and can not be denied. There is no depth within ourselves to which we are unwilling to go.

We seek the meaning of our existence and the reality we exist in.

We are unwilling now to play the games of others. We understand what the 3D world is and though we are in it, we are also an observer now to it looking at it from a much higher perspective.

We work on self love continually and realize this is our process for life. We understand through self love is how we can truly love others unconditionally.

We acknowledge whatever triggers come in that keep us from loving ourselves enough. We may stray from the path of enlightenment but then get quickly back to our process. We work through our triggers instead of dulling the pain and running away each time they come up.

We work to remove the programming we received by parents, family, schools and workplaces that tell us all the limiting belief systems that are not in truth. When we see the unlimited signs from the Universe we acknowledge and give gratitude for the harmony of the Universe that we are an essential part of.

We seek to find our eternal higher selves and merge with this.

We are the seekers of life and a blessing to others with our higher awareness.

We reach out to others and help when we can, as we realize service to others is in the highest eternal order.

We realize we are eternal beings of light in this reality temporarily and everyone we touch makes a difference in the higher realms. We realize the higher realms are interacting with us each day and we are never alone.

We begin to realize our power and are no longer 3D victims. We realize we create our own reality and everything we are today is a product of our creation from the past.

We live with higher consciousness and merge with beings of higher dimensions. We understand the limitations of 3D and actively work to bypass these through our own awareness and expanded consciousness.

We are aware of higher dimensional beings as Star beings, Ascended Masters, Angels and the Creator who interact with us.

We work to undo the fear that we have been taught that holds us back from being who we really are and what we came to this reality to be. We understand fear is a block to higher awareness and we do not engage in blocks.

We look happily to our future as it is always bright no matter what 3D things may take place as we are eternal and can never die. We know we existed before we came here and when we leave here we will still exist.  We are eternal beings of Light of the highest order.

Diane Canfield
Spiritual Teacher, Psychic and Medium , Ascension Expert,  Star Being Contactee and  of many races

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Trinity (1)2Hello and Blessings Beloveds of Light,

On March 20th we not only have the Spring Equinox but also the Supermoon and the Eclipse where the Supermoon will pass right in front of the Sun. The Trinity of the cleansing that has been taking place since January 3rd. This is the return of the next level of Christ Consciousness and LOVE to the planet and to all beings of the Earth. Love cancels out all darkness and there has been many upgrades and vibrational frequencies of Light and Love coming in since the New Year 2015.

We have been receiving massive downloads and upgrades of frequency and vibration since the beginning of the year. For everyone who checks my facebook page they can keep up with my daily updates on my page on the energy that is streaming to us. I have created a listing below of the dates and what we have been experiencing. It has been quite intense and the beginning of a year like no other.  Since I have been reporting about the energy waves and what they mean for about 4 years now 2015 has started off the most intense to date.

As the frequencies increase, so do our own individual frequencies of LIGHT and LOVE. Our light body increases and we are able to hold more light. This means the end of duality and more light for the planet and for us. This is how we move up in frequency to the higher dimensions of Light and love.

Our latest energy surge was one of cleansing the dark energy of the planet. This took place on March 16th, just a few days ago. This energy was so debilitating it was difficult to even sleep.  I had strange incoherent images running through my third eye all evening long.  I felt as if I would pass on or pass out. The clearing was this intense. I had to call my Angels and Jesus in to clear the dark from the planet and all beings that were dealing with this. Within a few minutes of calling for help there was a much better peace filled feeling that took hold. I was then finally able to sleep and the third eye images disappeared. Here are some of the symptoms I experienced and others reported:

  • Feelings of dread and depression
  • Loss of energy, extreme fatigue
  • Nausea and feeling sick
  • Electric shocks up and down the legs
  • Foggy brain
  • Trouble breathing and feeling like an elephant sitting on the chest
  • Heart palpitations
  • Terrible dreams
  • Heat running through the body
  • High levels of anxiety and panic

What did all this mean? It was the Equinox Trinity energies coming in to clear the dark. These cleansing waves have happened before and I have reported about them but this one was very intense and also had the energies of the Equinox trinity triangle of Love with it.  This one was merging with the Equinox gave us an extra push of LOVE.  This wave even went into the next day. Much of the dark energy again was removed from the planet and we will all see now more light coming in.  We will start to see people uniting more and forming groups of Love. This will happen on the Equinox and in the days afterward. This is a huge score for the side of LIGHT as we have tipped the scales now.

Here are some of the important waves,upgrades and points that I have reported on since the beginning of the Year. All of these have led up to the energies of the Equinox Trinity, the Triangle of LIGHT.


January 3rd :

Started out with a huge Shift in Ascension that propelled us into a new reality and new timeline.  Many were aware of this shift and it started as the a full moon which propelled us into a higher frequency. I talked about this jump to a higher timeline again on January 12th. The timeline jump lasted the entire week of the 3rd through the 12th.

January 14th: Super connected and bliss upgrades coming in.

January 17th: Upgrades coming in related to the upgrades of the 3rd, still more waves of light coming in.

January 24th: The isolation wave comes in. This was the wave of wanting to be alone to process the dark energies being removed from the Earth and the beings of Dark. This was a huge cleansing wave that many light workers participated in to remove the lower energies from this timeline.

January 31: The truth wave came in. This is the wave of not wanting to be in illusion anymore. More cleansing for the collective.


February 2nd: A-ha moments of awareness coming in through the awareness waves flooding the planet.

February 6th: Time slips and memory issues surfacing.

Februaty 8th: Third Eye activations feeling of walking in two worlds at once. Feeling waves of peace and vibrations on body.

February 9th: Another jump in frequency still ongoing since January 3rd. Feelings of off balance and nausea.

Febuary 17th :Fatigue wave coming in. Very heavy feeling in legs and feels like walking in quick sand, difficult to accomplish anything.


March 5th: Full moon with waves of strange behavior in others.

March 15th : Equinox energies already coming in. Bliss and loving feeling of connectedness.  Intense crown chakra activation and third eye pressure.

March 16th. Wave of energy coming in releasing the dark energy from the planet. Intense wave that I talked about in the beginning of the post.

As can be seen from this list of symptoms, upgrades and shifts to higher frequencies we have been very busy processing all of these vibrations changes. These are all necessary to shift into the light body and continue our journey of Ascension. Thank you to all who have been participating in these upgrades.:) All of your help is needed to shift our planet and expansion of the masses.

Sometimes these shifts are not easy as we are heaving others into higher frequencies with us and removing the dark energy. Yet this is why we are here at this time. We are called to be here and to be in service to others during this greatest time on our beautiful planet Gaia. We are beacons of Light and shine brightest of all. Thank you all for your service.

Love to you all 🙂


Psychic Clairvoyant Medium, Ascension Expert, Star Family Visitations and Communicator.

To keep up with all my latest updates, be sure and follow me on Facebook Copyright © Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


man in rainbowbb

Update on Current Energies, January 3rd, 4th, 6th and 8th. Higher Dimensional Jump


Hello Beloved Start Tribe,

We have entered A New Timeline.

I am updating  the current energy situation after the higher dimensional jump of this last week, specifically these dates, January 3rd, 4th, 6th and 8th. This is when the majority of symptoms came in to signal  that a shift to a higher dimensional timeline was in progress. You can access my prior posts about it starting on the 4th on this link.

Many have come to me for help with this shift as it was felt worldwide as it unfolded. It has been so intense and many who may not be aware of the details of ascension are confused about what has been happening to them. This is understandable as more and more are experiencing the Shift.

Even though we were getting heavily downloaded on those days, I was guided to write and post about it both on my facebook page and through my website.  I am happy to see others that are called to lead also imparting information to everyone as it happens to them and they feel the energy of the downloads. Thank you to everyone for doing this for all of humanity.

Even though I could barely think coherently with the downloads I still was able to crank out some articles about what was happening to us and what it means to us in the ascension process. This is so important now. This is important to help others who may be struggling and alone thinking it is all them and not understanding it is happening to many of us.

This has been a time of major Releasing of lower level vibrations and timelines around the Universe. This ascension process is not just happening on our beloved Earth but everywhere in the Universe. Think about this, it is really overwhelming 🙂 Thank you all light beings who participated in this process. We have released the dark so more can come into the LIGHT. I know this has not been easy but your service has been greatly appreciated and loved. This does not go unnoticed by the higher dimensional beings that exist over the entire Universe.

There was the need to go into heavy isolation through the releasing of the dark energy process.  This is the key word for this dimensional shift we just experienced ~ Releasing. Try as we may some of us were just not able to be in 3D at all during these days and times of the downloads.  This has been one of the biggest shifts in a very long time.

  • Some of the waves of symptoms that were experienced by myself and others:
  • Electrical shocks up the legs
  • Needing to go into isolation
  • Feeling anxiety and agitation
  • Becoming upset with people more easily
  • Not being able to do anything 3D
  • Foggy head and brain surges
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Headaches
  • Lucid dreams and astral travels to new realities
  • Eyes too blurry to see
  • Hearing music from other dimensions
    • ( a separate post to come about music as this is something I hear quite often)
  • Nausea
  • Heat waves

I had all of these take place. The leg shocks reminded me of the fall of 2012 when I really had some very heavy physical activations taking place. Many, many times I was stuck to my chair and could not move, paralyzed, my mind in other dimensions for sometimes hours at a time. This was very extreme as were the leg shocks. I am a little surprised they are back and we are re-experiencing the same things again only on a new level of awareness.

The headaches happen due to the electrical currents  trapped in the body and not being able to be released.  The remedy for these is grounding, if we can get outside this is the best overall solution to ALL ascension symptoms. The more grounding is done the more the electrical charge will be released . Please look at the video section of my website where I discuss Grounding for Ascension Symptoms

Some of us have been experiencing astral travels where we are catapulted to a new reality. There are many ways we ended up there. Many  are coming to me during this last shift and telling me basically the same experience. This new reality is always much higher and brighter than the one we are currently in. Some are reporting being greeted by higher beings of light and the love emanates from them as they enter this new space. Some report the place they are in looks the same but they know they have entered somewhere else. This is all part of transitioning to new dimensions, we may go there first in the astral realm.

All of the symptoms are very important because without the symptoms, the signs of ascension are just not there. What can we do if we have no signs? This question is asked of me time and time again. We need to work to raise our vibration so we can access the higher realms and become more sensitive to energy. As an energy expert This is how I read the energy of ascension. I am deep within the energy field of the Universe everyday.

All of these symptoms are preparing us for our total Ascension into the higher realms of light and love. These prepare us for our multidimensionality and interdimensionality. Just as I had an near ascension experience in May of 2013, this prepared me even further to lead others into Ascension. This is what I was told afterwards, is that although I wanted my family to go with me, I also needed to stay here to lead others since I have experienced so much.

We are all headed into the experience of having contact with interdimensional Star Beings and contact with their ships. This is where the Ascension process leads us. This is the Event that has been talked about. This happens one person at a time until the vibration of the planet reaches the tipping point. The event will not be exactly as described by some in the past. It will be a person by person contact until as a collective we all understand our true heritage. As they experience contact for themselves they will then have higher understanding of the entire Universe.

Experience is  the key to everything.  Until a person experiences higher realities and higher dimensions for themselves they have no way to know what is truth and what is not. The higher dimensions are all about Truth, Love, Light and the Creator. As we merge in the ascension process with the higher realms of light, we also merge with the Creator who is Truth. This is why it is so important for everyone who is being called to complete the Ascension cycle in this timeline. This is our calling NOW.

As we ascend in dimensions and come closer to the Creator, we also become more like the Creator. We are given gifts  of interdimensionality. We have visits with Star Beings from other galaxies and dimensions. We are given the gift of truth and knowing what is truth and what is not. We are given psychic gifts and abilities that were not available ro everyone before. This happens because this is the true reality of unlimitness. This is what we are now entering into.

As we become more like the Creator we become naturally more Creative and this is also a key to our ascension. We must now access our creative side in what ever way we can. This is how the Universe will flow through us and to the Creator and back again. This can happen now in a way that was not possible before.

I have seen the green wave of healing above my hands for the past few months. This tells me that not only I but everyone on the planet is called now to be a healer. We must heal the world now of the dark and this means ridding ourselves of any dark at the same time. This is what the releasing process has been about this past week. To release the dark from all the timelines that exist.

Our bodies are in the process of changing their DNA from carbon based to Crystalline based. I am often asked will they have form? Yes they do, they just take on an interdimensional element in this process. We are then able to being limitless in what we can see and do in not only this realm but all realms of light.

Our Star family  help us with this process. They are very interactive with us on all levels of our being. They can maneuver within realities with ease in a way we can not consciously do yet.

All are being called to fully engage in the process of Ascension.  Some of the things I have written in this article were not written by me. The higher realms and beings within those realms including our Star sisters and brothers guide me to write and they are adamant that the time is now and that our Ascension is on its way.

What can you do and what is still the most important thing each person can do ongoing? Work to raise their vibration. You will know your vibration is high when you can do things not of 3D. This means access other dimensions, feel the shifts taking place, see beings from other dimensions. These are just a few ways to know your vibration is high.

The more information we can spread about the Ascension process the more others  are affected and have a chance to raise their vibration and also the frequencies of others. Thank you to all groups and light beings who share my posts and others to help raise the vibration of the planet and all beloved beings.

Update: this shift is continuing. We are having more waves coming in and out just a little more subtle in the past few days. Stay tuned for more as we follow the progress of this shift in progress.

Love Diane

Ascension Expert, Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium, Star Being Races Contactee and Comunicator






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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


Hello My Beloveds.

The morning of January 3rd we started an uplift in consciousness  known as the Shift into higher dimensional planes  As I write this January 6th evening it continues on. This means we are being downloaded with New consciousness to access higher levels of awareness.

The morning of January 3rd the symptoms were very much like what I wrote about on the night of the full moon.

  • Foggy head
  • Paralyzed feeling
  • Isolation Feeling
  • Agitation towards others if not left alone
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Seeing lots of spirits and interdimensional beings flashing in and out

I posted in my last full moon article about the Ascension Full Moon and how important is was to get into nature and release these energies that were coming on on the 3rd. I knew the full moon was going to be huge energetically and it has been. This was all about releasing the past and what does not serve us anymore. This is on a collective and personal level.

This has been a huge time of releasing. I mentioned that I saw some black areas around the moon that are being cleaned and refreshed.  The dark is being released and sent back to where it had come from. We can feel this on an energetic level. We can feel it deeply that change is now occurring.

Tonight I am getting electric shocks up my legs and this has not happened to me since the fall of 2012. I am getting some of the same intense symptoms the past month  I experienced back in the fall of 2012.  We experience these symptoms physically as well as on a conscious level of awareness. Our consciousness energetically tunes into these shifts. They expand and activate our DNA so that we can become high level masters and interdimensional in our consciousness. Many aspects are in play with this including our Galactic Star family, the Sun, the Central Sun , the Photon belt and the Creator.

I have been involved in this process for a very long time. I experienced in May of 2013 a near ascension. This means for 5 hours I was completely in the realm of the shift. I had various intense symptoms that lasted about an hour each. Each one building upon the next and ending up with me almost completely shifting out of this reality.  My body near the end was transforming into the light body. It was only stopped at the last minute as I decided I did not want to go without my family. These kind of experiences are very rare and of course a gift.

We have an intense time coming in right now so be in touch with your symptoms as this is the only true sign of knowing what is going on. The signs are the symptoms. There is nothing more important than this.


Ascension Expert, Spiritual Teacher, Star Being In Person Contactee, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.



10913540_10152784682458612_716300171_nFull Moon of Ascension 1~4~15

Blessings  Light Beings

The full moon energy is already coming in.

The full moon on 1/4/15 is the first full moon since the December 21st solstice .

With this comes a powerful energy for Ascension.

I would like to relay a short message I received this morning for this full moon transmission. This information comes straight to me from the Universe and Source. This is how it is for me each day.

The information coming into me this morning is that things are rapidly changing energetically right now. This may be too much for some humans to deal with depending on their level of sensitivity. The best solution to this for the next few days is to go into solitude and nature  as much as possible. Meditate , pray and call on your guides and angels if needed for assistance.

This is needed because we need to work along with the Universe and not have any resistance energetically. The Universe wants us to be in a releasing mode and to be quiet and introspective.

One of the best ways of doing this is to get into nature and nature areas like parks or water areas. You may be feeling a natural pull to do this right now anyway. This way we can go completely with the flow and become more in tune and one with what is going on. If you do not do this you may feel stressed from the intense energy which may lead to arguments with others.

I am told this full moon is very powerful and it is needed at this time for a cleansing of the bodies of all life on earth. This will cleanse more of the darkness and bring in more light. This is what we need and this is what we have been looking for.

I will spend tomorrow in nature as I did some of the day today. Nature really helped me today to feel more calm and at ease. This is because there are elementals, fairies and devas that help to balance and center us.  The closer you can get to trees, bushes and plants the better you will feel as they are all around these areas. They are specifically here on Gaia for that purpose. They are higher dimensional beings of light and love. It always feels awesome to connect with them and watch as you may see some for yourself as I have. 🙂

Love and Eternal Light



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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.