Heart Chakra Opening for the Solstice December 21



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Good Day Beings of Light and Love

Today we talk about the heart chakra and it’s ability to amplify Ascension and communication with the Galactics.

The Galactics, our Star Family are higher dimensional beings that can exist interdimensionally. They are far advanced in many ways from us. This will include their chakra functioning or energy points in the body.  One of the keys to higher ascension processes is to align and open all of the chakras but especially the Heart Chakra.

My own experience of fully opening the Heart chakra took place over 4 years ago. My heart chakra flew open in 2000 when the ascension process started for me but it was fully opened in 2010.

I was sitting on my coach in my living room and all of the sudden I saw a white perceiving arrow come in through the window. An arrow of light and love sent to me from the higher realms of Angels. This arrow then pierced my heart. It was painful at first and I somewhat slumped over. The pain only lasted a few seconds and then my heart chakra was opened fully. I felt Love, Light and peace wash over me.

This is not unusual for me being a clairvoyant to experience things of this nature from other dimensions on a daily basis. This is how I able to see spirits, orbs and many other dimensional beings from other dimensions including our Star Brothers and Sisters. I have seen many different races of Star Beings and this is ongoing.

This was such a gift to me from other dimensional angels to send me this special arrow of love to open up my heart chakra fully. This is what is needed to activate the higher realms and the Galactics where only love exists.

As we open our heart chakras as a species, this is when the changes can occur in our reality. The compassion, empathy overwhelming bliss and Love. We no longer operate from the lower realities of jealousy, competition and ego.

The ascension process calls for us to work to open up the valuable chakra now. This is the gateway to the beings from the other dimensions.

Diane Canfield

Psychic Clairvoyant Medium. Ascension Expert, Star Family Communicator and In person Contactee

Please join me for my  Solstice special event December 21 where I will be activating and opening others heart chakra. This event brings in the Solstice with Heart and Healing activations. I will be transmitting pure Ascension and Galactic encoding to open your heart chakra fully to be able to receive pure and healing love from all of Creation, Christ Consciousness and our Star Family of Light.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


The truth is not “out there”. It is inside us all waiting to be revealed to us. It is not just for a few as before. This is what the Ascension brings us: gifts to everyone equally.

This knowledge brought in by the Ascension process NOW is the Galactic knowledge of higher consciousness and is open to everyone who wants to expand their inner world. Our Star Family of Galatics is calling to each and every one of us to expand our inner world to be able to meet them and see them.

The inner world then becomes much more thrilling than any outer world ever could be. This is because the inner world opens up receptor sites in the brain where all things are possible. All dimensions are accessed through this portal.

To expand the inner consciousness we must be prepared to let the outer consciousness (3D world) take a back seat for a while. This has to happen until the balance can take place and the person can maintain both realities at the same time as I do.

Inner world experiences then create outer world realities. Direct experience is the key to all true evolvement.

The higher integrity of the experience the more knowledge and wisdom is bestowed on the person who is experiencing it. This is how we separate the wheat from the chaff (what is valuable from what is worthless).

Discernment in all areas of ones life must take place on a daily basis.
Expanding our consciousness and learning to ‘see’ who and what is Truth is becoming even more vital.

The truth is not subjective. There really is one Truth and this is the truth of singularity. The one point where everything converges into the realm of what IS.

Diane Canfield

Psychic Clairvoyant Medium, Star family Communicator and In person Contactee, Ascension Expert


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.



December Energies ~12-12 Transmutation and 12-21 Gateway

Hello Beloveds and all Light Beings

We have approached the 12-12 Gateway of transmutation. What does transmutation mean? It is the act of changing from one thing to another. This is exactly what we are in the process of with the shift that is in progress. What is the shift you may ask, especially those new to these terms. It is the act of ascension that entails but is not limited to expanding our consciousness beyond the reality and confines of the 3D world and entering the world of multidimensionality.  This entails our bodies changing at every level including the level of Light Body. What does this mean as a species? It means we are entering the time and space of the Galactic, our Star Family .  This is the reason for so many more sightings leading up to now by so many people. This is also the reason I have been able to be visited by so many races of Star Beings in person.

The 12-12 Gateway opens up our borders even further in the world of multidimensionality. We are able to see more of reality for what it really is. The insights have been coming in fast and furious for the last few weeks. Things that were unknown before are now being known. This is because pockets of our brains are actually being activated so we can now peer into what really is and not what we thought things were. This could be a situation that you have been in for years, yet now you are able to see things in a brand new light. Many times with this it brings wonder and amazement. The insights are so profound, we sometimes wonder how we lived all these years with these blinders on. This is what is now taking place to us as a species. This must take place as this is now part of our evolutionary plan.

Some of the more recent symptoms of the last weeks downloads have been tingles and goosebumps around the face and head. This can be preceded by moments of pure bliss of the 5D and higher states of consciousness. Yes, this is what perfection feels like. On the flip side, extreme tiredness with bizarre dreams. The astral realm is so close now. Vibrations can be felt again in the hands and legs or all over the entire body.  All the chakras will vibrate as they come online Loud ear ringing and tones due to the weakening magnetic shield, along with memory issues. These things remind me of some of the same symptoms of 2012 all over again. Time slips and time jumps in consciousness. The brain shape is changing and we can feel this.

Dreams have become more real. This is because our consciousness now chooses to inhabit the higher planes so we have more awareness of other realities. Now when we are in the dream everything makes complete sense but when we step outside we can not make sense of it anymore. Other rules apply there and what applies there does not make sense in this reality. We are now more aware of this, that our reality is not like others.

The flares bring us upgrades but as I explain  our upgrades come in even with no flares. We have lots of help with these upgrades, our Star families and the Creator among others.

These insights, upgrades and downloads will continue right up through and after the December 21st Solstice. Remember as I have talked about before these energies will start before and continue a few days after the event.

The solstice brings in even more light and connects to the 12-12 Gateway and the work we are doing leading up to the solstice. This is the time period we are in now to really make some progress in our ascension. We will really need to connect with our higher selves now and ask that we be downloaded with the information that is needed for our shifting and transmutation at its highest level. Yes, it is that simple. All we need to do is ask and then do the inner work ourselves. The Universe provides when we take the lead in self loving actions and advancements of all kinds.

The 12-12 brings us more truth and this truth is so important to our awakening. We must start to be our own truth more and more for the accumulated affects to take place. As we become our truth others then are also free to become theirs. This all ends up in beautiful singularity of Truth, that is the Christ Consciousness that is calling to us.

The Solstice Gateway of December 21 then brings more experiences for us to be and live our truth. To live our truth is to be totally free and this also is what the ascension experience brings to us. We are in the process of freedom. We have ached for this freedom on so many levels of awareness for so long.

In the coming days, look for more truth, more insights, more hidden knowledge revealed on all levels of awareness. Be open to more Love, to more Bliss and more Wisdom because that too is the Shift.

Self Love in what is knocking at our door time and time again now in the Shift. This is why we are here, to learn to truly love ourselves in a way that no one can shake. When we work on these self love aspects more integrity within oneself is achieved and through this we also have more access to Truth which is our Creator and Christ Consciousness. The Truth of All That Is. When we achieve this Truth we are unstoppable and so tuned into Source Energy we can not loose no matter what is looks like is happening around us.

In Light and Love Beautiful Souls

Diane Canfield

Psychic Clairvoyant Medium ~ET In Person Contactee and Communicator~ Ascension Expert






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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

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Blessings Star Tribe Sisters and Brothers

The last 2 weeks we have been experiencing massive shifts of consciousness that I have been updating on my facebook page.

I know I should have written about it on my website since not everyone visits my facebook page and can see what is going on. My goal is always to inform as many star tribe members as I can with my ascension guided information that comes to me energetically through my Star family connections and pure Source energy.

The Gateway through the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 8th and the Solar Moon Eclipse on the 23rd was the absolute strongest Gateway of energy to date.  I have been tracking these downloads for years and I can say this without a doubt.

The Gateway actually went all the way to the 29th as I predicted it would when I published my article about what to expect during these huge download transmissions.

These gateways never just last a few days as some people might think. We are dealing with energetic influences and they do not dissipate in a few days, they linger and can continue to build as this one did. It is exactly the same with the solstices and equinoxes and any Celestial event that is taking place.

There was actually such a big transmission of downloads for the past 2 weeks, I was unable to come even to my facebook page and write anything for the last few days and this is not like me during these times of heavy upgrading. I am forever wanting to be of service to others, yet I was so blown away by the intense upgrades I just had to cocoon myself from everyone. Other light tribe and ascension members were feeling this too.

This was a time of complete and utter introspection and inward knowing. This extreme intense time was experienced by most close to the end of the gateway near the 27th and 28th.

Explosion of Flares

We also had the massive flares that spouted off flare after flare non stop and this added to our progression in the ascension process. The sunspot was just unbelievable and I am still in awe over all the ascension knowledge we have been given during this explosion of energy and light.

We have once again moved to a higher timeline of awareness as I was able to post on my facebook page Oct 27th. Included in this I mentioned these symptoms that we were feeling and processing:

Grounding, drink water, upgrade, adapt, move energy, meditate, pray, more insights, more adaption, more real self emerges, more consciousness expansion, more knowledge, more wisdom, more abilities, more depth, more love, more of creation in action.

The goal of the ascension process is to align with the truth. This is something in this day and age that can be difficult even for the most astute students of truth. This is because the world is currently turned upside down and many that are awake and aware see this. What is up is currently down and what is truth is currently hidden. As a psychic I know the hidden truths and this is why I feel it is so important that truths be brought out in the open. This is my calling.

We need to keep reminding ourselves of this, to align with our own truth so we can see the truth in all things. This is how we merge with the Creator and Source Energy and when we merge, this is when we have expanded consciousness, new knowledge, new wisdom and higher awareness.

Yes, this is how it’s done. This is the way it is done. There can be no expansion without merging with truth. This is the ultimate goal of ascension.

During these times of upgrades and accelerations this is not always easy.  As I tell my clients in readings, healings and life coaching sessions, the way to the truth is many times painful and in order to get to the joy we must first go through the pain.

We must release all the baggage that is not ours, all the ways of being that is not ours and never was ours.  This includes any energy that was thrown us that does not belong to us.

We must go back to the core of who we are, the core of the child we were. This is what Jesus meant when he talked about how we must be like children. Christ Consciousness includes getting back to the core of who we are as little children. Our Authentic Self. We must get back to our authentic and real selves and not sell ourselves short taking on responsibilities and ways of being that are not us.

This was part of my journey to let go of all things that did not align with me and my highest awareness. Many are still in this process and it is a process that can take time yet it is something that brings no higher joy.


We went through actual physical pain these last weeks releasing the energy that has built up on Gaia and with humanity as these downloads came in.

Some of the things you may have experienced were foggy brain, lethargy, nausea, memory loss, jumping timelines, headaches, not being able to sleep, spacey, seeing beings from other dimensions, helmet head ( our upper chakras coming into alignment) and agitation towards others.

Why are these symptoms important to talk about?

They are important because they tell us that we are indeed experiencing the ascension process.  This is not new, this is something I have always said. The more sensitive we are, the more symptoms we will experience.

As I reported back in June  I could actually feel when each flare occurred. This time it was even more intense than back in the spring. I know there are others who could also feel them as they were erupting from the sun. This is important because this is a huge leap in consciousness to even be able to feel these flares when they actually erupt.

Why is this important?

This is important because as we become more sensitive we reach higher levels of consciousness in our ascension process. The higher level reached the more sensitive we are to all that is happening in the Universe, not just in our earth plane.

We have much help with this and they are all more than willing to help us. This will include our Star Family which I was in close contact with during this time. I was being shown many new ways of being in the astral realm with them and this was not dreaming. I was taken with them to help them with interdimensional projects. I was given huge amounts of downloads of new information afterwards.

Our Star tribe is so closely connected to us now. I am sure many of my readers who follow me closely knowing that I have seen many races in person know this is true for them also.  I was in meetings with large groups of people, star family and humans alike. I am sure many of my clients and readers were there with me.

These upgrades are not over yet. We are just in the adjustment breather period now. I am told November we will also see upgrades that bring even more light and inner knowing. Even more higher awareness and residing even more in the higher dimensions of light.

What is the most important thing I can tell you right now?

It is to continue to work to raise your vibration and to raise it to the truth so the truth can be seen in all things. This will include everything that you come into contact with. Learn to discern truth for yourself so you can know your own truth.

How is this done?

It is done by eliminating all programming and programs that do not serve you. This means all ways of being that are false and benefited only someone else and not you. This means go all the way back to find who you are and not the you someone else wanted you to be.

Many have a calling to do this now. For me this journey started back in 2000 when I was approached by a huge mother ship and they communicated with me. Only a year later is when I had my first in person visit from our Star Family which continues and is ongoing today. They visit me in person and I am given intense upgrades during these times.  This is when all my psychic abilities became on high from childhood. This was my time to never go back to the Diane I was before.

All of these events were life changing for me. The events we are joining in today are life changing for all of us on many levels of awareness. We are literally not the same person we were 2 weeks ago.

This is the most glorious time to be alive, even with all the pain we are enduring during this process, the pure moments of bliss and connectedness to Source is unlike anything we have ever experienced.

These moments we connect in bliss and with our Creator make everything we are going through worthwhile. These timelines of bliss are when we are in the 5D realms and above. This is what the upper timelines feel like, pure bliss. Where everything flows in LOVE. This is where we are going.

In Eternal Light and Love


Psychic Clairvoyant Medium, Healer, Teacher , Ascension Expert, and Star Beings Communicator and In person contact.

To keep up with all my latest updates, be sure and follow me on Facebook Copyright © Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


solar october fix

Blessings  Everyone !

We have been experiencing massive shifts in consciousness since the October 8th Lunar Blood Eclipse and we are in the middle of the Gateway leading to the Solar partial Eclipse on the 23rd of October.

None of these events start and end on the day they actually take place.  This is because the energy for these events starts before the event and continues after the event. In this instance though we are dealing with a gateway which consists of one event leading into another significant event.

If we think about it with an expanded mind, all the planets are conscious beings as we are. So they know ahead of time what will be taking place.  We are living on a conscious planet as well. Our planet Gaia knows full well and is connected to everything that goes on the Universe. This will include all the planets in our solar system and beyond.

You see we are not separate as light beings from the Universe itself but an integral part of it. So this is why the celestial events are important to us and play a major role in our ascension shift that we are experiencing right now.

The connectedness that we feel on a conscious and unconscious level is upgraded during these times. We become more in tune and more one with the Universe when these events take place. This goes back in time even to the very beginning of our existence as a conscious being of light.

We have been bombarded the last week with flares and many of them M or X class. Our Sun and the Central Sun work in unison with many other beings including Star beings to help us with our ascension. As our consciousness moves up in dimensions we become super sensitive and can feel the flares as they take off from the Sun. This has  happened to me all this last week. This is a new symptom and one I very much enjoy, being even more tuned into the Celestial events taking place.

These events are not random events going on that we are the mercy of or have to somehow endure. Our ascension is taking place because of an effort put out by many beings including our Creator.

When we start to think of the shift in progress this way, in these terms, it is hard not to be in awe of all that is taking place in this moment in time. The orchestra that is being created for us and with us is like music to our souls. On a deeper level we know this is where we are supposed to be and what we are to engage in. This is our calling and we hear it.

The entire Universe is shifting, not just us. We are just as an important piece of the Universal puzzle as any other piece. Every being contributes to the Universe just by existing. It is truly a wonderful gift to be in this process with all beings in the Universe.

When we hear of others passing like Dolores Cannon, who have been at the forefront of spirituality for so many years, we are sad she can no longer be here in the way she used to be. But the fact is she is where she is needed right now. She is doing so much to contribute where she is. What a beautiful soul she has been and how lucky we all are to have had her presence with us for as long as she was able to be in this reality with us. When I heard about her passing and was thinking of her a star appeared to me in light. It was on my ceiling and I have had enough visions of these kind  appear from other dimensions to know that it means Dolores is a star unto herself and still shining bright.

This is also the case with many others who have passed to the next reality, they have ascended but just in their own way . They are just as busy there as we are here. There is no end to our development as conscious beings. We are developing ourselves for eternity in one reality or the next. We are existing in many realities at once, even here now but most are not aware of it. We are already multidimensional.

The new consciousness coming in is actually another way of saying Christ Consciousness that is shining down for everyone. What this means is that everyone has a chance to align with their authentic self. This means all  illusions and matrix mentality that we have been living in needs to be broken down and discarded. The new consciousness is just that. It is the pure light of Christ that helps us in our ascension process.

The moments of bliss we now experience are these moments of Christ consciousness and the moments when we align fully with our higher selves and who we really are, our authentic selves. These moments are so Divine and they are meant to feel like this to remind us of our forgotten state of being and birthright of feeling so connected to Source.

The more resistance we have to the pure consciousness the longer the ascension process may take. We need to surrender to the process and become one with it. This means being able to see the truth in all things. Christ consciousness is the truth so to align with this, it means to see the Truth.

It may be hard to see the truth about ourselves and others. This is not something most people are used to seeing. Yet this has to happen to align with the Creator. The Creator is Truth and so are we when we realize who we really are.

This Gateway has brought much transformation for us already and it will continue through to the end of the Year. The surges of energy and waves get stronger in an etheric mode as the ascension process progresses.

We may find we can no longer be in untruth or in the presence of others who are in untruth. This becomes more and more pronounced as the shift continues. It is no longer a matter of choice, it is now like a magnet that repels any and all untruths away from us. This also brings the bearers of Truth to us, as we align with Truth and the light of the Christ consciousness.

Do not be in fear to speak your truth during these times of change. This will be the way others will be drawn to you that also speak  truth. This is how we make progress by linking up with others of like mindedness. This aspect will be vital as this process continues.

In love and service




























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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

October 8th Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse and The Three Steps to Receive Celestial Energy Transmissions

With the Equinox behind us, we may think we can leave those energies behind but they are still lingering. They bring us into the Gateway of the October 8th Full Blood Lunar Eclipse and the October 23rd Partial Solar Eclipse. These Celestial Transmissions are continuing all the way through to the end of the year. I will talk about the next ones following these in my upcoming articles. For those that may not know, this means celestial bodies (such as the Sun, moon, and planets) that bring us higher awareness and flow energies to us of expanded consciousness.

The energy now remains high and unstable. We never know from one day to the next what the energy and higher realms bring to us. Yet that is Divine within itself because we must now be more tuned into energy than ever before. This forces us to accept the realms beyond us and above us. We now see more of what reality is than ever. We breathe in this higher awareness as we breathe life in itself.
We are now fully engulfed in the process of the shift and there is no turning back.

The full blood lunar eclipse and partial solar eclipse will bring us powerful gateways once again. Why is this important? It is important because every Gateway we go through leads us to expanded consciousness and higher awareness. This is why we must pay attention to these Gateways give them our full attention. Many have asked me, “What can we do to prepare?”.

The first step is to understand these Gateways is to understand the energies are going to affect us Now. We no longer have to be confused when the energy comes in as to what is taking place. We accept and surrender to what is. We know these transmissions are for our highest good so we do not complain or resist. In fact, just the opposite. We welcome them as we know in our hearts that these energies help us with our ascension at this time. All of these Gateway Portals help us to ascend. We will have many insights of higher vibrations during these times. We will experience revelations and higher knowledge that we did not have access to before. We see things in a new light when there is no resistance and fully accepting our roles as ascended masters that create our reality as we move along in our stream of consciousness.

This is moving out of 3D consciousness and moving into 5D and above. This is exactly how it takes place with these energetic downloads with the celestial transmissions and the help we get from our Star Family and our Creator. While in these changes we merge and connect with the upgrades that happen as they happen. We do not resist these changes. As ascension masters we now work with the changes and energies we are feeling.This means we do not put them off and deal with them later. We adapt to them as they are actually coming in for us and then we are assimilating the new us in a higher consciousness.

What this means is when we move into the higher consciousness aspects we have more connections to the entire Universe and all the knowledge and wisdom that it holds. We also become much more sensitive and tuned into these celestial transmissions that occur through out the year for us. The moon has ALWAYS been a very powerful transmitter for us, as well as the SUN. So now with each transmission we are even more connected. To connect means to become one with the Universal consciousness. This is our goal on this plane of existence and on others when we change realities.

So how do we prepare?

The first step as I said is to just accept the fact that as these transmissions take place and to realize we are going to be affected by them NOW and going forward. Just as we have been consistently been receiving these upgrades for the past 3 years in an intense way. This will only increase with the shift in full progress as it is now. We will become more affected and yet more in tune with each shift. Pay attention to the transmissions as they come in. Become a conductor for the energies so they can move through you. Adapt and process each one and look for new insights and awareness that was not there before.

Step 2: Realize this is now in your daily life so you can plan accordingly. Do not schedule intense meetings where clear thinking is needed if at all possible on these days of upgrades. I do try not to give readings on days of intense energies as I have found even though I am SUPER plugged in, my consciousness is in between other dimensions. While this might make for interesting readings I feel more comfortable absorbing the energies and giving all my attention to these transmissions. This is how progress is made when we fully absorb the energies as they come to us. They give each person exactly what they need to progress in just the right timing.

Step 3: Try to relax and meditate during these days and get into nature as much as possible. Be still so you can really feel the energy and let it come into you and change you. Let it completely over take you so you can be a changed person when the wave has stopped. Remember the more sensitive we are the more we will FEEL. Even beings who do not feel anything are still being affected, it will just be on an unconscious level of awareness. They will then be able to process these waves when they are ready.

What we are experiencing now in the Gateway 

We  are in these gateways  experiencing extreme time shifts. This means we do not know when something has taken place as to when it took place.  Did we dream it or did it actually happen? When did we do something? Was it yesterday or was it today? If you find yourself in discussions with people as in, no this happened yesterday, or no this happened today… you are not alone. It has become very very difficult now to pin time down. This is also a sign of the shift and more magnetic field weakening as I have talked about in my previous articles and will discuss more about later.

Our dreams are now completely lucid as we travel in the astral realms. Yes this is a real dimension we go to each night when we go into our sleep mode. Now we feel like we are actually in this dimension and playing out scenarios with our passed on loved ones or living friends. I have many dreams where I am with people that are my friends and we are really working hard in the astral to change this reality for the better. We have projects that we work on to bring more conscious awareness to this reality. I am always meeting with high evolved beings of light that I work with to be able to bring this awareness to this reality.

As we move into higher consciousness awareness, more and more things start to occur for us that we did not have access to before. One of these is instant manifestations. Take extra care now with what you think about and what you talk about and how you word things. Do not talk about anything negative with anyone or your own self talk. These days with the New energy coming in these things can manifest quickly. I have seen this for myself and for others around me. Also be aware we can also manifest many positive things for ourselves now much easier than in the past.  I have done this many times for myself. I manifested and healed a health condition I had in a fairly short period of time. I will be teaching an upcoming class on how to do this for everyone.

If you have not worked through your inner fears now is the time to do this. Start a checklist of what you are afraid of and go down the list to determine where this fear comes from and where it started at in your life. You will see the pieces fit together like a big puzzle piece and be able to now see more clearly where these irrational fears are based on. The past does not predict the future as many people think. This is 3D thinking. Everyday is a new day to create the reality we want for ourselves. This is the way of the higher 5D and above dimensions and the reality of the higher dimensional consciousness is there for everyone to access.

This shift is not only taking place on our planet but the entire Universe. We are all connected. We welcome this shift and the higher awareness that comes with it. We may have to guide others and give them a hand up as this process continues and that is o.k., as long as they also do their part and help themselves. We can guide, we can no longer save and rescue others. Remember to help others we must have something to give them so we ourselves must work on ourselves to be able to tap into the higher awareness it takes to really help someone else.

Our Galactic family waits for us to enter higher awareness states so they can interact with us. This is all it takes to interact with them. This must be one of our top priorities now to lift our consciousness to meet them. They are waiting for us. These Celestial transmissions help to bring us closer to them. Each step of higher consciousness brings us closer and closer. We do not need to wait for them to land, they can visit us anywhere, even in our own house as they visit me. Many of them are inter dimensional and can move from dimension to dimension. They have no limits and this is the reality we are also moving into.

Love Diane

Upcoming articles:

  • Heart chakra openings that are happening spontaneously
  • How to control your own weather
  • More pictures with articles of my visits with Star Family Members
  • Gateways coming in with upgrades
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

New Transmissions, New Knowledge And New Chakra Activations

As the Equinox portal activated on the 22nd and 23rd, I was hit with intense radiating light and new transmissions. The downloads were intense, so much so that I had a hard time staying in my body for the day. I was giving readings that day and it was wild with all the physical sensations in the upper chakras and the downloads of new transmissional knowledge that was coming into my being.

The energies and transmissions of higher knowledge and awareness were intense followed by wave after wave of crown chakra and higher dimensional chakra activations up to and beyond the 20th chakra. The knowledge that came in was astounding. This was pure knowledge being transmissioned directly from the Creator. There were physical symptoms along with higher awareness downloads being activated.

Many of us have already gone into our past and reconciled all of the past occurrences, these downloads have been coming in intermittenly for the past 3 years. This was something completely different and very intense. Although some people are now going through this, this was something I have completed. Now I was able to do this for other people rather than myself.  This was brand new as in the past downloads it was always centered on myself.

How this manifested was I could actually start to see into other souls and have complete compassion for them and what they have been through in life. We are merging more and more with the Creator and Christ Consciousness to have the most beautiful compassion for others that we can have. This is our step to the higher dimensions and realities. As we step into this completeness, this is exactly how we feel, more complete and merging with our Divine Soul.

I was not only to see into their soul but also to understand why they had made the choices they had made in life. To have further knowledge about what their motivating factors are for all the choices they have made and to understand why they are in life where they are right now. The compassion and empathy was overflowing and this new awareness was very uplifting to my soul.

As a psychic I can always see into a persons soul and see their true self. I see their soul and who they really are. Their actions many times do not line up with their soul purpose and this I can see and guide them to their unique purpose in this lifetime. This is caused from programming and blocks that have accumulated through no fault of their own. We have all had to deal with these and discard what no longer works for us.

This was very far though beyond what I normally am capable of seeing clairvoyantly. This ascension activation went much further and deeper. This is the new energies and realities that are coming to us all. We can look into another soul and know what they are about, they do not have to talk it is all done telepathically and soul to soul communication. This is a new step forward in our ascension and higher awareness portals.

These downloads and activations started coming in on the 22nd and lasted all day on the 23rd. These have activated each person on the planet. They may not feel this or know this has happened but it will be accessed for them at a later time when they are ready and have completed their own activation cycle of awareness. This will include to discover who they truly are, as this is the road to complete happiness and peace. It is very empowering to find your true self and your Divine being.

This Equinox and the days before and after has been the most intense Equinox yet for me. I have experienced some very intense Equinox’s and solstice’s in the past and even been downloaded so much I was paralyzed in my chair for hours at a time. This activation was not as intense as those times, yet the chakra downloads were intense. Then the new knowledge that came in made it even more sublime.

As we move closer to our Creator with these waves of light coming in, these portals become much more intense and much more significant. They are now filled with higher knowledge, the knowledge of the highest creations and the Universe. This is a new turn of events for all ascension masters as we must be ready to accept these shifts in consciousness. This means we must spend time accepting the alignments as they come in for us. We need to be open to receive these activations.

This happens as we moved into new areas of the Universe and through the photon belt. This belt itself is filled with higher awareness and it is our destiny to go through it as this time. This is why we are here now, to experience this soul to soul communication and then be able to interact with our Galactic community as I already do, as many of you already know. These activations are preparing everyone to interact with our Star Sisters and Brothers. LOVE is the KEY.

As we approach the October 8th full blood moon total eclipse, let’s prepare for more activations to come. This too is a major portal and gateway for we are all ascended masters and gate keepers here now to help each other with our ongoing ascension and activations.We must show love to ourselves first and then to each other to be able to give love the way it is meant to be given. Real love is real acceptance and Light. This is the new Love, Compassion and Empathy coming in now.

Love and Eternal Light

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To keep up with all my latest updates, be sure and follow me on Facebook Copyright © Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

The energies leading up to the September Equinox Activations have started out intense already. For the past week we have been experiencing very lucid dreams and in those dreams we bring the conscious into the unconscious. These dreams are important and need to be paid attention to as they too are part of the shift we are in and activations of a higher level of consciousness. It is through these dreams at these times that we are asked to make progress. To look at our past and let go of what has been holding us back, our fears and concerns for the future.

We must realize we are actively creating our reality each day. We create it with every thought and every choice we make. These create portals that manifest our reality.  We must choose now in this Equinox Activation period  to only focus on positive outcomes in our life and for our Planet Gaia. We must work to do this collectively so that we can create the reality we want to live in. We must be willing to gently remind others when they have strayed from their path of the collective positive path being created.

You may also feel completely out of your body during these times and have to try to ground yourself to stay in your body. This also goes along with the higher love activations we are experiencing. Stay out of fear when this happens. It feels something like astral traveling yet we are fully awake and in the Now. You may visit other locations as I have and see parallel realities take place.

This astral traveling while awake has happened to me recently when I was at the beach. I put my feet in the water and connected to the beautiful waves of the Oceanic Universe. The next thing I know I was seeing myself owning a condo at the beach and living a completely different life than I do now. I saw a different husband with me along with different family members. It is all good, that life and the one I am living now.

You may also see spirits now as the  energy of the Equinox Activation increases. This adaption can continue for as long as ten days after the the 22, 23rd date of the occurrence. Some of my family members have seen spirits in my house the last few days this is not a normal occurrence for them as it is for me. There were some  tears shed as my daughter saw my beloved dog who has been gone for 6 years. It is such an honor for me to share these experiences of other dimensional beings coming in for visits with us. This will occur for everyone more and more as we continue to increase in the frequency of ourselves and our beautiful Gaia.

The ear ringing is back again. This is caused from the weakening of the Earth’s magnetic shield. It has been said that time is speeding up but this is not completely accurate. We are approaching a time of NO time also. This means we will exist in the NOW.  If you will notice this is already happening more and more. The NOW is the reality of the Divine and Christ Consciousness. It is the reality of all that is. If you look into your heart and feel it, you will know this is True.

You may also experience increased hunger and thirst. These also are advanced ascension symptoms that come along with the increased activations. This took place for me in my near ascension experience last year when my frequency was increased to the higher dimensions. This is why now it is so easy for me to see in person and connect with many races of our Star Family. 

The earth’s pulse is increasing and with this because our pulse must match that of the Earths our pulse (inner pulse) is also increasing. This is called the Schumann Resonance. As the earth’s pulse or energetic field increases our magnetic field decreases. We do not know the exact amount it has increased but we can tell on an energetic level it is taking place. You may experience your own heart beat speed up at times, this is again higher level activations taking place.

Many people are choosing to leave the planet at this time as in the beautiful being  Robin Williams. As a medium I can tune into him, which I did after he passed. He is fine and happy in the higher reality he has gone to, We are eternal and live on forever. Those that have passed have done so according to their soul contracts. They are working from the other side on this energy ascension we are experiencing. This was their plan and this is what they chose for themselves. We are all Eternal and we make choices for our future based on what our soul decided is the best place for us to experience our reality. 

 We are all being asked more and more to align with the truth of who we are. When this happens this means we see beyond the fives senses and into the reality of the Truth. Then things start to take place such as we don’t want to listen to others untruths, We do not want to be involved in game playing, or others drama and stories. We encourage them to release their inner turmoil and baggage and fly free. We now sense when someone has done the inner work as they have a new light about them and it feels good to be around them. We find peace within ourselves by being in their presence.

 You may also experience a calmness that is associated with shifting to higher levels of consciousness. This calmness has come before when we are shifting. It may manifest as a surreal quietness and peacefulness that is quite nice.

This is the new higher dimensional world we are creating and the Equinox brings us more of this higher energy so we can adapt and integrate it into the very core of our being. We welcome these changes as a higher dimensional being. We are here at this time to create this new world with our new way of being that we could never dream about before. But now it is here and a reality.Love, Light and Eternal Blessings


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To keep up with all my latest updates, be sure and follow me on Facebook Copyright © Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

 My Altair Photo and Visitation Experience

Let me first start off by saying that this is just one of the many visits I have had from our Star brothers and sisters. These visits are always in person, they come to me. This is not a channeled visit this is real live visit of  First Contact which I have had many. I have nothing against channeling as I also channel messages from the higher realms including our Star Family. Lets be clear this is not channeled but a real in person visit.

This experience is one of many that have taken place. My first in person visit was the greys that came to me while I lived in Sedona, AZ. I had many inter dimensional experiences while living there as I do now in Florida. My first visit from a Mother Ship though was in 2000 in Florida and this ship was Pleiadian and this is one of my many alliances I have with our Star Family. They call themselves the Intergalactic Planetary Council of Light. I have been visited since 2000 actively. Coincidentally this is also when my ascension experiences started ( wink)

How this experience started, was my husband and I first noticed a very loud strange noise outside out house. We were living in Kissimmee Florida at the time which is near Orlando. I had heard this same noise before. I was in a retail store a year before this experience and suddenly I received one of my downloads, only this time I was paralyzed right in the retail store. All the other shoppers were walking around me as if nothing was going on and this is because nothing was going on for them, only me. This is how many of my other dimensional experiences are. I heard while in the store a sound like you may have heard others report of the Earth sounds. Yes these sounds are real. Of course I was hearing this telepathically third eye and through my interdimensional hearing. Quickly, not to get side tracked about this experience I was thrown temporarily into another dimension which lasted only about ten minutes altogether which includes the recovery time when I became unparalyzed and able to walk around in the store again.

So my husband and I heard this same kind of sound outside our house, it was slightly different this time though. Just to be sure and of course to be clear in what was happening, we went driving all through the neighborhood looking and listening to where this sound could be coming from. We found the sound only became more distant the further we went from our house. I had my daughter come to our house too to see if she could hear it and she also heard it. This sound lasted 4 days and nights never stopping at all and never a break in the sound. It was definitely coming from above us and was not on the ground.

By the third day I was honestly getting tired of it because we could not go outside around our house without hearing it. I regularly go outside in my yard to meditate, pray and tune into the Universal energies of nature and I could not go out these days the noise was so loud. I was wondering if it would ever end and asked that it stop.

The morning of the fourth day is when the Altairs showed up to me in my bedroom. I had just woken up and was getting out of bed for the day when suddenly they appeared in front of me. There had been no sign they were coming (only the sound we had heard (now the 4th day) 24/7 over our house) and no inkling that they were on their way to me, but I am always aware this is how all inter dimensional experiences happen to me. I am never given any advance notice. I am always just in the experience of whatever it is and I am coping and observing with whatever is happening to me at that moment in time. This is why I stress in all my articles, and in my courses I teach you must live in the present moment. If you do not live in the present moment these experiences can by pass you because you are mentally in the past or future. 

 When they showed up I did what I always do when anything from other dimensions is shown to me and went immediately into observer mode. This is the best thing you can as this slows down your heart rate and you go into something of a slowed down alternate reality so you can take in whatever is taking place. You can then take in whatever is happening to you in a balanced non fear way which is something I also advise when I am working with clients who want to experience other dimensional beings.  When they first appeared I just observed them and they looked at me as if they were awaiting orders from me on what to do.  I then heard them say this to me telepathically which is how they communicate :“Everyone is actually their own frequency, they do not just emit a frequency or vibration, they themselves are a unique frequency in the Universe.  If you can think of yourself this way, a whole world will open up for you”
 As quick as they appeared was just as quick as they left. I got up and left the bedroom and went outside and sure enough just as I had sensed at that moment the loud noise left and has not returned. I was then told it was their cloaked ship that was above our house and since I can see into other dimensions I was able to see them and communicate with them.
This is one of the most beautiful experiences I have had as are all my experiences with our Star Family. Yes they exist, they exist just as we do, it’s just not everyone is able to comprehend this since the 3D programming has been so strong and in place so until the programs and illusions are fully lifted, this is when the rest of humanity will start to see them. This is the message I am given from them.

I have enlisted the help of an artist to draw in colored pencil the way they looked when they appeared to me. This picture is overall accurate. I am very picky about the things I experience being accurately and authentically presented. This is the same way I am when I talk about my experiences in other dimensions. I want to always convey the real experience and how it takes place so others can understand when they have other worldly experiences and first contact what they may expect. ( added description) They were about 5 feet tall with the 2 females standing behind the male in front. The male was a little shorter. They had jet black hair and black eyes. Their outfits were jumpsuits that were a greenish blue. Their skin was a light blue. They all matched perfectly except for the fact that the one in front was a male. Their skin looked like normal human skin. I saw no other abnormalities. They were adults.

When they appeared of course I had already had been visited by the greys (I talk about this in one of the first articles on my blog) so it is not shocking to me to have them visit me. And since this encounter I have been visited by many other races. I will talk about these experiences in my upcoming posts.

Everyone will eventually have first encounters (first contact) with races of our Star Family. It is only a matter of time until everyone raises their own frequency enough that they can access the higher dimensions needed to see and communicate with them.

Love and Eternal Light

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To keep up with all my latest updates, be sure and follow me on Facebook Copyright © Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.